For Learning & Living
Sites that help you navigate products/ingredients
Environmental Working Group (EWG Skin Deep)
Easy to use-enter a product, see how it rates. Their list keeps growing. However, not every product is listed (obviously), so you may have to off-road and do some of your own research. Use the EWG Healthy Living app for easy reference when shopping.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Good amount of informational articles, tips, and the science of ingredients, explained in digestible language. No specific products mentioned. Concentrates on the ingredients
True Friends of Natural and Organic Cosmetics
Ever-growing non-profit organization committed to promoting and protecting Natural and Organic cosmetics worldwide
Apps for Food/Cosmetic Knowledge in Shopping
EWG Healthy Living App
OnSkin (product scanner)
Think Dirty-Shop Clean
Clearya-NonToxic Shopping Simplified
Yuka-Food & Cosmetics scanner
One Label-Food & Cosmetics checker
For local produce from farms, farmers’ markets, CSA programs etc. your city or zip and you’ll get listings of farms, CSA programs, farmers’ markets, events and more. local farms near you for pick-up for delivery of fresh product site for people to find farms in their area (you can even search by what you are looking for) or for farmers can promote their own farm the produce you want to pick and the state where you want to pick and you’ll get a listing of where to go