If you know ‘em, keep doing them.
If you don’t, give them a go, you gorgeous human, you.
Exercise; There, I said it.
You knew it was coming. Anything that gets your circulation going. Your skin is your biggest organ and when organs get blood, oxygen, and nutrients, good rosy-glowy things happen. But you knew that.
Eat the kale.
Or anything colorful that only has one ingredient. Don’t hate me, ok? The more antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals you consume, your body will reward you with a stunning glow that starts to accumulate over time. On the flip side, chill with the sugar. Veggies and fruit are the supportive friends, lil’ Miss Sugar doesn’t want you to have the glory.
Make friends with The Sandman.
Grab that fellow and hit the sheets. Lack of sleep starts with circles under your eyes and then the dull skin follows. Some enticement-did you know that your skin actually makes collagen when you sleep? Fluff the pillow, plump your skin. Aim for 7-8 hours.
Chill, sister.
Whether it’s sitting on a pillow and imaging that you are watching a fish tank of Nemos swim by, arranging an Insta-worthy flower arrangement that will make your MIL swoon, or going for a quick walk outside and listening to the birds-which you will soon realize, are far more interesting than you ever gave them credit for-try to CHILL. Stress will show itself one way or another and it’s never good when it does.
If you wear makeup, the less the better.
That giant organ of yours-your skin-needs to breeeathe. With all the caking and painting of makeup on Instagram happening these days, there is a whole lot of skin suffocating out there. You’re beautiful-has anyone told you that today?
Wash that gorgeous face before bed.
Whether you wear makeup or not, your skin accumulates a whole lot of dirt during the day. Between talking on your phone, touching your face (the average is 23 times a day, before COVID and masks), our faces are exposed to it all. If you are tired, wash up earlier. If you drink, well, don’t get so drunk that you can’t wash your face. Every night. Before bed.
Rinse don’t wash.
Since you washed your face the night before, the morning routine just needs to be a gentle splish-splash with some warm-to-cool water. It is possible to over-wash and strip your skin of the oils it needs to stay supple and glowy. You gotta know when to hold that washcloth and went to fold it.
Photo credit: Anna Tarazevich