The Importance of Little Things
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together”. These words hail from the late, great, one-eared artist Vincent Van Gogh and they have taken up new residence on the back of my newly redesigned and making-me-feel-happy business card. A somewhat smaller canvas for his creation.
I love these words.
Why? Because they are optimistic. Or well, I choose to see them that way. It’s highly possible the “small things” could easily go another direction, but to me it’s cumulative in the most wonderful, productive, positive way.
They speak of collaboration; of ideas, motivation and of energy. They speak to success, and not in that way where you feel you have to turn the earth on its axis. Just swivel it a little bit in your own corner of the world. It’s speaks of endless tries, realistic setbacks, and moments of spirited fervor that propel you forward when you might have thought you were just going backwards.
It speaks of those invigorating ah-ha moments, sudden ideas in the shower, comments spoken by small babes who have the power to inspire, words taken to heart, and even miscellaneous tips ripped out of magazines and fulfill a need.
It speaks of all those little efforts that frustratingly don’t seem to matter in the moment and of times where you’ve given all you have for that particular day.
It speaks to climbing a staircase the only way you can-one step at a time, until you reach the top.
And look at the staircase that looms in front of us. Our health systems focus on sick-care instead of health-care, pharmaceutical companies rule the roost and nature has taken a backseat, sedentary lifestyles are commonplace and convenience food is reeking havoc on our bodies. We need more people out there who can help others navigate all of this information, offer support and encouragement and just. plain. help. get us back to a state of health. Help in climbing the staircase.
So, here I am. To discover all those little parts that can help you create the balance your body and mind is craving. Little changes in your everyday routines, tweaks to your pantry, inspiration to enjoy nature and movement, ideas to help you decompress when the world gets the best of you. All these small acts which add up to more balance and, ultimately, happiness. Health coaching is not only real. it is really beneficial.